LACSI: Announcements and Events
In this Newsletter
Maymester Course Offerings
Share your news with us!
Reception to honor former LACSI Director, Dr. Amy Ross
Please join us to honor former LACSI Director, Dr. Amy Ross, on Wednesday, January 31, at 10:00 a.m. at Casa Amarilla
We will have donuts and coffee available.
Please send an RSVP by Friday, January 26th to Carla York at
carlayork@uga.edu to let us know if you will be/won't be attending.
We hope to see you there!
Conversation exchange between UGA students and English education students in Ecuador
The program is still receiving applications. Please contact the organizer, LACSI alumnus, Christopher Rosselot ( Christopher.Rosselot@uga.edu), for further information.
Conference on the Americas: Plenary Session
Saturday, February 17th, 2024 | 1:30-2:30 p.m.
The 27th Annual Conference on the Americas will be in the Miller Learning Center to be held on February 16-17, 2024, and hosted by the University of Georgia.
The Plenary Session will feature Dr. Pilar Chamorro, Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics, on Saturday, February 17, 2024.
About the Conference
The Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute (LACSI), the University of Georgia (UGA), and the AU/UGA Medical Partnership are hosting the 27th annual Conference on the Americas in 2024 in Athens, GA. This conference provides a venue in which faculty and students from the University System of Georgia (USG) can engage and share their interest and expertise regarding the Caribbean, Latin America and Canada. Held annually for the past 26 years, we explore critical socio-cultural, political, economic, health, environmental, global, regional and national issues. While the focus of this conference is primarily for university/college faculty members, graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to showcase their research on the Americas.
Dr. Nora Benedict receives 2024 Sandy Beaver Excellence in Teaching Award
UNESCO calls for nominations for the Juan Bosch Prize 2023
UNESCO invites Members States in consultation with their National Commissions, and non-governmental organizations maintaining official relations with UNESCO and active in a field covered by the Prize to submit nominations for the UNESCO-Juan Bosch Prize for the Promotion of Social Science Research in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023.
The Prize seeks to reward research work by young social science researchers on social development policies in connection with Latin America and the Caribbean.
Maymester 2024.
ROML 4120/6120.
Comparative Islands: Performance, History, and Education, from the Francophone Caribbean to the Coasts of the U.S. South.
Maymester 2024.
Cuba Study Abroad.
Cuba: Food Security and Sustainability in an Economy in Transition
Please share your news (publications, events, announcements, courses, etc.) with us by filling out the LACSI News Form!
We would love to promote your activities on our next newsletter.