A survey of the history of the Hispanic/Latinx people of the United States from the Spanish conquest to the present, examining the U.S. occupation of the Southwest and the successive waves of Hispanic immigration through issues of segregation, integration, gender equality, and identity formation.
The Other Americans: U.S. Hispanic/Latinx History from 1565 to the Present
Permission of Honors
Prerequisite or Corequisite:
Any HIST or LACS course or POLS 1101 or POLS 1101E or POLS 1101S or POLS 1105H or [(ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S) and (ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E)]
Duplicate Credit:
Not open to students with credit in HIST 3140, LACS 3140
Course Type: