Image: Double congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Jean Costa-Silva (Linguistics and LACSI Graduate Certificate Student) for successfully defending his dissertation titled, "The Many Ways to Explore Space: The Acquisition of Motion Encoding Strategies by English-Portuguese Bilinguals.” Another exciting piece of news is that Jean accepted an offer from SUNY Cortland, where he will start as an Assistant Professor of TESOL in the Fall. --- Congratulations to Elyse Conley, 2024 LACSI Graduate Certificate and History MA alumn, for being accepted as a History Ph.D. student at Penn State University, starting this coming fall. Elyse plans to study religion and gender in colonial Chile. Currently a Visiting Instructor of History at Anderson University, SC, Elyse praises her time at UGA and LACSI for helping her "develop [her] research interests, a more robust methodology that incorporates interdisciplinary and decolonial approaches to historical inquiries, and a deeper appreciation of how history can inform present-day concerns related to Latin America, the Caribbean, and the U.S."